People want to know me!! Well here we go!!
Women of God, daughter of two of the world’s greatest parents, dad passed last year, 2nd oldest to 5 sisters —4th sister passed in 2011, four adult children, five grandchildren, a slew of 7 nieces and 4 nephews, 2 great nephews, 1 great niece, CEO, counselor,
Doctoral student, praise team and choir singer, love to get out but mostly work, home, church, and visiting/keeping grandkids is my goto. I love ❤️ to listen so pretty quite—until I start talking 😂! Love conversations that lead to self reflection and growth. Don’t like to argue in the negative sense, but will present an argument as long as a solution can be met. Otherwise, I get quiet and let the topic dissolve due to one person having a conversation with themselves. Don’t drink, don’t smoke—I do enough damage to my body with how I eat than to slowly kill it more with drugs or alcohol. Plus I’ve seen how it can destroy a family and never wanted it to be present in mine.
My niece 17 and youngest son 21 stay with me. So while I’m never alone…they can be like me; to themselves but we come together often enough to talk if needed. I’m not the mom/aunt who complain and fuss or invade space. We respect one another and that’s all that counts.
I’m seen as the go to person to some and Mrs know it all to my 3rd sister 😂 so I don’t strive to please everyone. I’m 43 years old …at this point I could care less if people like me. It’s more about respecting me as a human being and as one who has a medium size space in this world. I have no one who’s come to me and say they don’t like me (except my granddaughter and grandson when they are being manipulative because I won’t give them what they want) 😂 therefore I have no enemies. Even if they did I would have no enemies because I do not treat people how they treat me. I will smile and help you no matter how you’ve hurt me. We won’t hang out together but I will never mistreat or turn away anyone. That can sometimes get me hurt 😞 again. However, my heart bounces back knowing that my intentions are always out of love.
I’m not a size 8 (even though I want to be 😂) I weigh currently 222, my doctor and I are working on getting my health in order since my leaving vegetarian 2 years ago…pandemic eating did a toll…because I worked 20 hours a day and would eat late at night Uber eats ! So if a man is looking for Ms Petite, I not her on the outside. She in there just not energized enough to come out. My health keeps me tired and in pain for the year so I am not a ball of energy as I one was. I’m more to myself and deep in thought of how to get through it all.
I am nice, quiet, loud (with 5 sister and born in the country Lord the struggle to lower my voice at times is hard—certain topics alone will turn up the volume), humble, submissive with a requirement to not make me feel like its being used to control or quiet my voice. I speak what I mean only If It will grow not to harm. I don’tt ghost people. I let them know If how they are treating me Is hurting me and I let them choose If they want to stop the behavior…If they don’tt then they have limited access to me.
I am both religious and spiritual meaning I practice what I believe. I believe you can’t separate the two! Either your for God and His word or you’re just a talker with no foundation. Am I guilty of sin?—of course but strive for perfection in Christ daily! Do I judge people—no I judge their behavior and cognitive dissonance, this lets me know what level they are on so that I can communicate with them accordingly. Some are here in my that I can learn from, so are in my life for me to teach, and others are here to challenge me. All of which I believe is needed for personal and spiritual growth.
That’s me in a nutshell! 😂